Almost every restaurant in town now serves some form of mini burgers. They taste the same as regular burgers, but for some reason we go crazy over the teeny tiny verzion. I think you end up eating more bread with the little ones. Was White Castle the creator of the original little burger? I'm not sure, but I have tried almost all the tiny burgers Lexington has to offer, and here is where they rank:
Buddy's: They call them 'sliders' and they are great!
Harry's: a little more expensive, but they taste like it. very good.
Chili's: Not so hot. very high ratio of bun to meat and the 'patties' were triangle shaped. wtf?
Steak 'n Shake (pictured): well, you will have to ask Adam. I didn't try them. He seemed pleased though, especially with the fact that they came in tiny little sleeves. Plus they come in 5 flavors such as chipotle, frisco, and A1.
Burger King: they are marketing something called a 'burger shot'. Thai and I tried to get some one night after the bar, and they were OUT. WHY does this keep HAPPENING to me?!?!
Ruby Tuesday's: Quite good, very tasty. And you can get salad bar instead of fries...yay!
Krystal: Super, as far as fast food goes. The little boxes they come in keep them steamy!
Those are all the ones I can think of right now. Anyone else have any great mini-burger finds?
I have yet to try all those but out of what was mentioned I like Ruby Tuesday's version. I will add that O'Charley's are terrible!