Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Cookie Truck

Who hasn't seen the Insomnia Cookies truck around town? Apparently these people will deliver cookies to you at obscene hours. You can't get much more 'pothead business owner' than this. Paul took this pic on Winchester Rd., but I have usually seen the truck parked outside the campus bookstore on Limestome. You can walk up to the window and buy cookies or have them delievered to you. I realize that this makes me a food-blogger failure, but I have yet to sample their treats. But I hear they are really good!


  1. Here is a link to their menu!!! I want to try the menage a trios!!! Bahahahahahaha!

  2. I saw this truck the other day on N.Broadway. I was wondering if their cookies actually give you insomnia. I thought that might be a bad marketing ploy.
