Monday, April 27, 2009

Ice Cream in the Live Truck

On Friday we had an ice cream party at work.  I don't know if it was intended to motivate us for the May book, or to congratulate us for the results of the March book.  We got an email Thursday telling us of the creamy treats we could expect on Friday at 3pm.  When I read this email, I immediately knew what would happen.  

I would arrive to work at 2:30.  At 2:59 I would be sent to miscellaneous 'breaking news', moments before the ice cream would get brought out for all but me to enjoy.  OF COURSE, this exact scenario became reality.  I was about to launch a massive temper tantrum (I really love ice cream), but Adam, that quick thinker, volunteered to grab a couple bowls 'to go' as I loaded the live truck.  Brilliant! 

 1 bowl.  2 spoons.  4 scoops.  

I managed to hit all the red lights on New Circle Rd. and successfully wolfed down about twice as much as Adam who wasn't driving.  Later that night after dinner, it occurred to us to check the freezer for leftovers, and we were not disappointed!  Pictured is bowl #2 on the day.  It is fudge stripe with caramel sauce.  The station got us all kinds of flavors and toppings.  It was an awesome treat on a lovely Friday.  I remain realistic though, and realize that this was only a fluke.  Next time there is food at the station, I will probably miss all of it as usual.  That's the night-sider's plight, folks.

1 comment:

  1. i always love the way they bring in pizza on election night . . . right after all the field crews leave for their live shots. sometimes it pays to be a house-boy.
