In that order. For my first (ever!) blog post, I'm going to share our lunch experience at the Frankfort Coffeetree Cafe. I've been here a couple of times, so when Jackie and I got to take a break from watching crews search for a man's body in the river behind the library downtown, I drove us over, promising Jackie some super 'snacks'. We both caved and got actual meals. She got a grilled cheese and baked potato soup. I got turkey and swiss on a bagel with mustard and lettuce. Mine didn't exist on the menu, I just asked for that though and they had no problem making it. I also got a strawberry/pineapple smoothie, which was perfect! I went back for dessert (you know you do it...feels less bad than ordering it with the meal...almost like an afterthought...but you've been planning it all along.) They had a little chocolate mousse for $1.50 so that was my choice. I brought it back to the table, lifted the tiny sampling-spoon to Jackie and my eye level, and told her that such a dessert was just a slap in the face. It was in a container the size of a shot glass. When I tried to think instead of how I truthfully don't ˆneedˆa bigger dessert, I remembered that it was the little girl who rang me up who suggested that i get the tiny mousse. Judgement?
I gave Jackie shit in the form of notes scribbled on her notebook for seating us RIGHT between the fussy baby and the chatty homeless man. Then while we ate some sort of gnat harrassed us. But those are my only complaints. Oh yeah, and their game selection. Aside from games that would take way longer to play than for you to eat your sandwich (cranium, scrabble, yatzhee) they only had a deck of cards and Uno. So we played one 35 second game of Uno. Fun. Then we took a picture of a book called something like 'New Jersey: Unexpected Pleasures.' This cafe's walls are covered in books like a library. They also seems to have a computer on a tall desk on one wall, Jackie asked if she could use it, but they told her she didn't have a log-in ID. Ok?
Well the next time you're in downtown Frankfort, try this place out. It's on Broadway in downtown. Weird stuff happens there, but the food is really good!